Cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot is a convenient and time-saving method for preparing delicious and tender meals. However, it’s crucial to understand how long to cook frozen chicken in a crock pot safely and effectively. In this comprehensive guide, I will share my personal experiences, research, and insights to help you master the art of cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot. With a step-by-step approach, I will also cover various cooking tips, methods, and recipes to help you create delicious and healthy meals using frozen chicken.

Can You Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot?

Yes, you can cook frozen chicken in a crock pot! However, it is essential to cook the chicken for the appropriate amount of time to ensure complete safety. The chicken should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (73.9°C) to be considered safe for consumption. Cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot typically takes 6 to 8 hours on low heat or 3 to 4 hours on high heat.

Cooking Fresh vs. Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot

When it comes to cooking chicken in a crock pot, there’s a slight difference between fresh and frozen chicken. Fresh chicken will require less time to cook compared to frozen chicken because the latter needs more time to defrost and cook thoroughly.

Safety Considerations When Cooking Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot

While it’s safe to cook frozen chicken in a crock pot, you should follow some safety guidelines to avoid potential food-borne illnesses:

  1. Always check the internal temperature of the chicken with a meat thermometer to ensure it has reached at least 165°F (73.9°C). This temperature kills any harmful bacteria that may be present in the chicken.
  2. The USDA Food recommends fully defrosting frozen chicken before cooking it in a crock pot or slow cooker. This is because frozen food takes a long time to thaw in the cooker, which may allow bacteria to multiply. Defrosted chicken also cooks more evenly, ensuring that the chicken reaches a safe internal temperature throughout.
  3. If you’re short on time and must cook frozen chicken in the crock pot, make sure to use the low heat setting. Cooking on high heat can result in overcooked, dry, and tough chicken.
  4. Avoid opening the lid of the crock pot frequently during cooking, as this can cause heat to escape and prolong the cooking time. Check the chicken’s temperature only when necessary.
How Long To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot: A Comprehensive Guide
How Long To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot: A Comprehensive Guide

How Long To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot

It usually takes about 4 to 6 hours on the low setting or 2 to 3 hours on the high setting.

Factors To Consider

There are several factors that impact how long it takes to cook frozen chicken in a crock pot:

  1. Size and thickness of the chicken: Smaller pieces of boneless chicken will cook faster than larger pieces with bones. For instance, a frozen chicken breast might take up to seven hours on low heat or around four hours on high heat.
  2. Cooking temperature: Cooking on low heat will extract more flavors from the chicken and other ingredients, while cooking on high heat will ensure the chicken spends less time in the danger zone (a temperature range that promotes bacterial growth).
  3. Type of crock pot or slow cooker: Crock pots heat food from the bottom and sides, which reduces cooking time compared to slow cookers that only heat from the bottom.

Cooking Times

The cooking time for frozen chicken in a crock pot depends on several factors, including the size of the chicken pieces, the type of chicken (bone-in or boneless), and the heat setting used. Here’s a general guideline for cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot:

  1. Low heat setting: Cook frozen chicken on low for six to eight hours. This ensures even cooking and tender, juicy meat.
  2. High heat setting: Cook frozen chicken on high for three to four hours. However, be aware that cooking on high may result in overcooked and dry chicken.

Remember that these cooking times are approximate and can vary depending on your specific crock pot. Always check the internal temperature of the chicken to ensure it’s thoroughly cooked and safe to eat.

Which Crock Pot Setting Should You Use?

The optimal setting for cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot is on low heat, allowing it to cook for six to eight hours. This ensures that the chicken is cooked through, killing off any possible bacteria. If you’re using a higher temperature setting, be sure to check your chicken frequently to avoid overcooking.

How To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot: Simple Shredded Chicken Recipe

Here’s an easy recipe for shredded chicken that you can use in various meals, from tacos to casseroles:


  • 4 pounds frozen skinless and boneless chicken breasts
  • 14.5 ounces of chicken broth (fresh or from a can)
  • 2 tablespoons of salted butter
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 bay leaves


  1. Add the chicken breasts to the crock pot and sprinkle with garlic powder, poultry seasoning, salt, and pepper.
  2. Place the butter and bay leaves on top of the breasts and pour the chicken broth over them.
  3. Close the crock pot lid and cook the chicken on low heat for seven hours or on high heat for four hours. Keep the lid on during the entire cooking duration.
  4. When the time is up, remove the cover and check the internal temperature of the chicken using a meat thermometer. The temperature should be 165°F (73.9°C) or higher.
  5. Drain all but half a cup of the chicken broth and save the drained broth for later if you plan to freeze the chicken.
  6. Gently shred the chicken inside the crock pot using two forks, allowing the remaining broth to coat the shredded chicken.
  7. Use the shredded chicken immediately in a dish, store in the refrigerator for up to three days, or freeze with the saved broth for up to six months.

How To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Slow Cooker: Cheddar Ranch Chicken Recipe

Here’s an easy cheddar ranch chicken recipe to try in your slow cooker:


  • 2 pounds frozen skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cut into small pieces)
  • 8 pieces of cooked bacon (diced)
  • 16 ounces of cream cheese
  • 1 ounce ranch seasoning mix
  • 1 ½ cups of cheddar cheese (grated)
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper


  1. Sprinkle ranch seasoning and other spices over the chicken pieces and place them in the slow cooker. Add the cream cheese on top of the chicken pieces.
  2. Close the lid and cook the chicken for eight to nine hours on low heat, or three to four hours on high. Stir the chicken once or twice during the cooking process, if possible.
  3. Once the chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165°F (73.9°C), open the cooker and use two forks to shred the chicken. Stir the mix in the cooker to combine and add the bacon.
  4. Top the chicken with cheese and leave covered for 10 minutes to allow the cheese to melt.

Benefits Of Cooking Chicken In A Crock Pot

Cooking chicken in a crock pot offers several benefits, including simplicity, ease of cooking, and efficient use of energy. Crock pots heat food from the bottom and sides, ensuring even cooking and faster cooking times compared to regular slow cookers. They are also great at tenderizing tough cuts of meat that require a long, slow cooking process and use much less electricity than traditional stoves.

Benefits Of Cooking Chicken In A Crock Pot

Cooking chicken in a crock pot offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Simplicity and ease of cooking
  • Even and faster cooking compared to slow cookers
  • Tenderizing tough cuts of meat
  • Using less electricity than a traditional stove

Tips To Cook A Perfect Frozen Chicken In Crock Pot

  1. Clean and season your chicken properly before adding it to the crock pot.
  2. Check the internal temperature of the chicken with a thermometer to ensure it has reached at least 165°F.
  3. Always use the low heat setting when cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot to avoid overcooking.
  4. Allow the chicken to rest for a few minutes after cooking before serving.

Troubleshooting Frozen Chicken In Crock Pot

If the outside of the chicken is cooked but the center remains undercooked, it may be because the crock pot wasn’t set to a high enough temperature or did not have enough liquid. To avoid this issue, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature and add more liquid, such as broth or water, to ensure the chicken is cooked through without burning the outside.

Key Takeaways

In summary, according to my experience cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot or slow cooker is a convenient, time-saving, and energy-efficient method. Crock pots cook frozen chicken faster and more evenly than regular slow cookers, ensuring food safety and delicious results. When cooking frozen chicken in a crock pot, remember to cook for about seven hours on low heat or about four hours on high heat.

FAQs: How Long To Cook Frozen Chicken In A Crock Pot?

How long does it take to cook frozen chicken in a slow cooker?

  • It takes about 6 to 8 hours on low heat (in a slow cooker).

What can be served with cooked frozen chicken from a crock pot?

  • You can serve the chicken with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, quinoa salads, or baked beans, among others. The cooked chicken can also be used in casseroles or soups.

How should I store cooked chicken from a crock pot?

  • Cool the chicken completely before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days. For longer storage, put it in a freezer-safe bag and freeze it for up to three months.

Can I cook frozen chicken directly in a crock pot?

  • Yes, you can, but to be safe, thaw it in the refrigerator first.

Is it safe to cook frozen chicken without thawing it?

  • I think, to be safe you should defrost first, because according to Today Food, the USDA strongly advises against placing frozen chicken directly into your slow cookers.

Can I cook frozen chicken in a crock pot with other ingredients?

  • Yes, but you need to adjust cooking time to ensure the chicken and all other ingredients are cooked properly.

Why shouldn’t I put frozen chicken in a crock pot?

  • While it’s possible to cook frozen chicken in a crock pot, it’s generally recommended to thaw it first to ensure even cooking and reduce the risk of bacteria growth.

How long does it take to cook frozen chicken?

  • Depending on the size and heat setting, it can take between four to six hours to cook frozen chicken in a crock pot.

How can I defrost a chicken in 2 hours?

  • Submerge the chicken in a leak-proof bag in cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes to speed up the thawing process.

Does frozen chicken defrost faster in cold or hot water?

  • Frozen chicken defrosts faster in cold water due to more efficient heat transfer compared to air.

How can I cook frozen chicken without it drying out?

How long does it take to cook a 4 lb frozen chicken?

  • A 4 lb frozen chicken generally takes about 6-8 hours on low heat in a crock pot.



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